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Carolina Dynamics Symposium 2022

The Spring 2022 Carolina Dynamics Symposium will take place in-person at Furman University, Greenville, South Carolina, April 22-24, 2022. We are fortunate to have NSF funding to offset some of the costs. Information about hotels and local logistics will be shared via our mailing list and posted to this website. There will also be an undergraduate poster session. Undergraduate posters need not be original research.


The conference will begin at 4 pm on Friday afternoon with a colloquium talk given by Claire Merriman of The Ohio State University. The conference will continue with talks and an undergraduate poster session on Saturday. There will be a conference dinner Saturday evening. Talks will continue Sunday morning, concluding around lunch.


You will be entering Furman at the bottom right of the attached map through the Main Gate (#1 on map). You should park in the Chapel Lot, circled in orange. On Friday, please use the 2nd or 3rd rows to avoid a parking ticket. On Saturday, you can park in the first rows. However, in addition to our conference there is also a community 5K being held on Furman's campus. If you are being directed to park somewhere else just inform the attendants that you are not associated with the 5K and you should be allowed to continue.


For those of you requesting funding, you will need to fill out at W-9. This is the first year that Furman has administered this grant, so even if you have filled out one of these at a past CDS, we still need a new one. If you are comfortable, you can fill it out ahead of time and email it directly to Mickey Fray: If not, we will have paper copies on site. We will also need all receipts for travel, hotel, and food (Furman does not reimburse per diem for food without receipts). If you are traveling by personal car, you will be reimbursed based on mileage, so no gas receipts are needed. If you are renting a car, then you should keep your gasoline receipts as well.

Let me know if you have any questions and we look forward to seeing you soon!

On behalf of the organization committee.

Lori Alvin and Sarah Frick

Page last modified on April 21, 2022, at 04:35 AM
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Symposium 2024

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